17 Dec 2016


जिसने भी करा है,
कतई घटिया डिश ईजाद करा है,
जब देखो तब फैल जाता है,
रायता ये रायता!

दिन रात ये फैलता है,
और दिन रात इसको समेटना पड़ता है,
जब तक यहाँ का समेटो,
तब तक कहीं और फैल जाता है,
रायता ये रायता!

कौन समेटेगा इसको?
क्या आपको पता है?
जिसने ये फैलाया है,
उसको ना खबर है, ना हवा है!
रायता ये रायता!

कभी हमसे भी ग़लती हो जाती है,
और फैल जाता है,
रायता ये रायता!
कोई समेटता होगा हमारे पीछे भी
रायता ये रायता!

हम सभी एक जुट हो जाना चाहिए,
इस विश्व की भलाई में,
और साथ मिलकर हम कोशिश करते है
की ना फैले ये रायता!
रायता ये रायता!

11 Dec 2016

The Punching Bag!

The angst within you
You always lay on me!
In your anger and clinched fists,
The beating is all I get!

In between the melancholy of your emotions and the clenched jaw
If I am lucky, I get angry stares!
But if I am not,
Oh! the bruises on my body!

The enraged hormones that course your body,
And the fuming tongue that spews venom at me!
The tongue I can handle,
Oh not the rapping through punches and kicks!

But at times when I am alone,
Hanging by a hook, in the dark,
I think that thank god
That its just me
An unmoving, impassive Punching bag!
Who has to carry your anger!

The Punching Bag!

6 Dec 2016

9 more cautionary tales!

One he took a long drag from the cigarette,
The smoke laughed at the other end of it!

Two she used two many beauty products,
Now languishes in the oncology ward!

Three he never paid any attention in school,
Today he is struggling for a livelihood!

Four she trusted a stranger in social media,
The results are too ghastly to speak off!

Five he loved his gadgets like crazy,
Now his body runs on artificial dialysis!

Six she was quick to anger,
He left and she regrets the words she spoke!

Seven he was drunk and yet he took the wheel,
Someone on the sidewalk paid the price!

Eight she laughed at other's misery,
Karma made her a laughing stock!

Nine they never bothered about using precautions,
They now battle an army of seven!