22 Mar 2007

"To My Beloved"

A message to you all
When you are suffering a fall
Always remember me to console,
To help you & rescue your call,
Let pleasure be mine to play that role,
I always pray to my "LORD" that
My "Beloved" may never suffer a fall.


The best gift of "GOD" to us is "NATURE",With the help of it we become "MATURE",The best gift of "GOD" to us is "NATURE",It gives us all the disease's "CURE",The best gift of "GOD" to us is "NATURE",It is the only thing we have as "TREASURE",The best gift of "GOD" to us is "NATURE",So to preserve it must be our "PLEASURE".

"The Dream & The Truth"

When I was sleeping,
Deep in my dreams,
I thought I was alone,
But what I saw was,
You my dear friend.
When I was wide awake,
With troubles all around,
I asked for help,
The first one that helped me,
It was your hand.

"Our Relationship"

Everything is getting shorter
From clothes to cellphones,
From microchips to computers,
From homes to earth,
Every morning I wake up
A few things grow
My Age,
My Gratitude,
My Imagination,
My Respect for others,
The most important things that grows is
"Our Relationship"
And I am very sorry to say 'My Dear'
that it will stop growing
The very morning I won't wake.

"Thank GOD for making Women"

Thank GOD for making Women
She cares as a Mother,
She loves as a Sister,
She trusts as a Wife,
She shares as a Daughter.

Thank GOD for making Women
She understands as a Mother,
She keeps promises as a Sister,
She is faithful as a Wife,
She respects as a Daughter.

Thank GOD for making Women
She as a Mother, a Sister,a Daughter or a Wife
Is the binding force of "LIFE".

"Two Friends,True Friends"

I have seen them 'Fight',with each other,
for each other,
I have seen them 'to be there',for each other,
anytime anywhere,
I have seen them 'Help',each other,
'Love',each other,
I have seen them 'Care',for each other,
'Share',with each other,
You are the one who can see them too,
One of them is "Me" and the other can be "You".


वो जीवन का आगाज़ भी,वो मौत की आवाज़ भी,
वो लिखी हुई किताब भी,वो अनकही बात भी,
वो सूरज की पहली किरण भी,वो डूबता चांद भी,
वो माटी की गुडीया भी,वो सोने की मूरत भी,
वो सागर सी अथाह भी,वो खतरों से आगाह भी,
वो वायु सी चंचल भी,वो पहाड़ सी अचल भी,
वो पानी सी सरल भी,वो पहाड़ सी कठोर भी,
वो क्रोध का अंगार भी,वो प्रेम् की बहार भी,
वो बंजर रेगिस्तान भी,वो हरा-भरा खेत भी,
वो गूंजता गीत भी,वो चीखती पुकार भी,
वो एक होशियार भी,वो बच्चे सी नादाँ भी,
वो एक मधुर एहसास भी,वो टूटा सा ख्वाब भी,
वो एक दोस्त भी,और साथ ही दुश्मन भी,
उसकी आंखों में एक आंसू भी,और चेहरे पर मुस्कान भी,
वो दिल के पास भी,वो मुझसे दूर भी,
ऐसी है वो,पर ना जाने कैसी है वो,
मेरी सबसे पिर्य मित्र,है वो.

21 Mar 2007


When I wanted bread I got,
When I wanted thread I got,
When I wanted shade I got,
All this you gave me my "LORD",
When I wanted "LOVE" I found it "MISSING"
Believing it to be my fateI always kept quiet
Because in my opinion as far
"LOVE" cannot be won by a "WAR".