31 Aug 2016

The Nature of A Beast

You see a beast...
Fast asleep in its den...
You know it well…
Not to disturb it...
Lest you want to…
Be eaten piece by piece,
because its the nature of a beast...

You see a beast…
Prowling in the jungle…
You know it well…
To maintain your distance…
Lest you want to…
Be its meal...
Because it's the nature of a beast...

You see a beast…
and a beauty together…
You know it well…
That you are in a dream…
As to spare anyone…
Is not the nature of a beast...

You see the natural beast
Languishing in a zoo...
You know it well…
Who rules this utter chaos…
Its the men with their artificial fangs…
And they define…
the new Nature of the Beast...

9 Cautionary Tales

One she fell in love with the wrong man
But then is there a right one?

Two he flaunted his wealth...
The IT guys came & took him in handcuffs...

Three she boasted her beauty and teased her friends
Old age came and ruined everything...

Four he let his kid out of his sight for minute
A car came hurtling from the curve! Alas...

Five she didn't pay heed in self defense classes
Now she feels unsafe walking home at night...

Six he gave too much time at work
Now he eats his dinner alone...

Seven she was really possessive
Everybody got frustrated with her and left...

Eight he never hit the gym
Today he is round like a melon...

Nine they never took any risks in life...
Got the Guinness for most boring people on Earth!

29 Aug 2016

One of Us! One of Them!

The choice is yours,
who you want to be...

You can be the ones...
Hiding behind women and children...
With malice in your hearts...
And stones in your hands...


You can be the ones...
Who stand in front of the women and children...
Shielding their bodies...
And helping them in calamities...

The choice is yours,
who you want to be...

You can be the one sitting mum...
In the court of intellectuals…
Where a woman is being disrobed


You can be the one
Who enables her
To stand for herself and
To wield a sword
And punish the scoundrels
Who are troubling her.

The choice is yours,
Who you want to be...

You can be the one…
Who in the name of religion
Kill your own brethren & countrymen,
and colour this earth red...


You can be the one
Who cares for the tiniest creatures
On this beautiful Earth
And help to enhance its beauty

The choice is yours,
Who you want to be...

One of Us…
who want to have fun...
To spread happiness....
Be kind to the random stranger...
And in general be grateful...
For our time on mother earth!


One of Them…
Who want to spread hatred…
Who want to discriminate…
On caste, creed, language, region, religion…
Who want to blow themselves up…
For no good reason...
And make this earth a living hell!

It's time that you decide
Who you want to be?

One of Us!
One of them!

24 Aug 2016

The Soul Store

Long queue of tiny tots,
Big and Small are their pots,
mumbling they ask is that the store?
Where we can buy a little bit of soul...

An angel white standing as guide says
Yes you will meet him inside
He is the one who lends the souls
You can ask him to fill your bowls...

Inside a room of shining white,
He sits in chair so grand,
they all bow and ask him,
Can we get a little bit of soul?

Off course he says but it comes at a cost...
What's the cost they ask him?
Be Kind and Happy in the blue…
So it doubles when you return it to me...

Off they jump…
Into the marble blue and white...
And land there with a thump!
Into the darkness and no light...

Bit by bit its shredded apart
Through Shattered Dreams and Broken Hearts
Through sometimes greed and at times malice,
they say this world is a cruel place...

So bit by bit it’s shredded apart,
till nothing of it is left inside,
Body this a hollow shell...
He who lent it mourns its loss...

The Soul is lost!
The Devil Awaits!
The Devil Smiles for his cauldrons hot...
The Devil Smiles for his cauldrons hot...

He though has not lost hope...
There is still Long queue of tiny tots
Big and small are their pots...
The sign says Open...
In front of his Soul Store...

13 Aug 2016

The Commotion of Inaction!

Somewhere a boy sits in the fifth grade...
A sketch he has drawn...
Hand in hand with the cute girl of his class...
10 years later he is still drawing…
The girl is off hand in hand with some handsome jock!
The consequences of waiting indefinitely...
The commotion of inaction!

Somewhere a girl dreams...
For the home coming of prince charming...
To be swept away to a mystic land...
10 years on there is just
Dirty Laundry, Mucky Plates, Endless Nappies and Constant Abuse
No she can’t leave him out of love... Is it?
The commotion of inaction!

Somewhere a man works...
In a 2x2 cube...
The layers of fat are uncountable...
Thinking of the starting to exercise the next day...
One day colleague finds him…
Dead with a heart attack in the same cube...
The next day has not yet come...
The commotion of inaction!

Somewhere a 30 something
Thinks of landing his dream job
Plans to read on the skills he needs
then finds the TV remote...
He sits there watching endlessly...
Dream job an illusion...
The commotion of inaction!

9 Aug 2016

The Clarity of a Dilemma

Just the other day...
I was discussing with my better half(yeah you read it right)
So like I said...
I was discussing with my better half(don't laugh, you there don't smile, she is my better half)

So I will start again!

Just the other day...
I was discussing with my better half
What am I doing with my life...

And as this is a Dilemma
I got confused(WTF is she talking about)
I have got this all figured out...
And then I phased out...Thinking...

Going through a fucked up
Of a midlife Crisis

And the indecisiveness of
I am doing what matters.
And Am I doing what matters?
Who would want to use
This Shitty software anyways?

And the confusion of
I am brilliant
Or am I brilliant?
Or am I completely Mad?
Brilliance is relative I think
Einstein's Theory has some use finally
No wait it was for something else...

And the ambiguity of
Whether I am in the right direction
Or I am in the left direction
I know what you would say
It is wrong not left but
That's why I warned you about the ambiguity upfront

And this predicament of mine
When I see back and that you read all this
And didn't note the Irony of the title
That says it all

The Clarity of a Dilemma

6 Aug 2016

मीटिंग रूम की कहानी

एक रूम में चार गँवार,
समझे खुदको बड़ा होशियार,
सोचे बिन इनके ना चले सरकार,
नाव है इनकी बिन पतवार,
सिर्फ़ लड़ाई झगड़ा और तकरार,
बुद्ध, शनि या हो रविवार,
कर दिए काई घंटे, दिन, महीने और साल बेकार,
कर दी पूरी ज़िंदगी बेकार,
एक रूम में चार गँवार!!

1 Aug 2016

कर्मा इस अ बिच...

कभी मज़ाक उड़ाया करते थे अपने गंजे होते दोस्तों का
आज सर और बालों में ये कशमकश सी है की
बाल सफेद पहले  होंगे या सर गंजा पहले होगा...
ये देख बस यही ख़याल आता है की
कर्मा इस अ बिच...

एक समय था खूब टाँग खीचा करते थे
अपने छोटा हाथी यारों की
आज ये आलम है की वेयिंग मशीन का काँटा
दो चक्कर लगा जाता है
साथ में मेरा सर भी चकराता है
बस यही ख़याल आता है की
कर्मा इस अ बिच...

कइयों की इज़्ज़त की फाजीदी कर दी
उनकी भैया की उमर उन्हीं अंकल बुला के
आज हर बचा अंकल बुलाता है
ये सुन दिल खीज जाता है
बस यही ख़याल आता है की
कर्मा इस अ बिच...

एक समय था जब मॅनेजर्स के घुटने टिक्वाता था
आज बच्चे हमारे टिक्वाते हैं घुटने...
कल क्या होगा यह सोच
दिल सहम जाता है
बस यही ख़याल आता है की
कर्मा इस अ बिच...

यारों की जब हुई शादी
जोरू का गुलाम बना गये वो
ऐसी बात सुनाता था
आज खुद बीवी का बैग उठाता हूँ
उसकी एक आवाज़ में भीगी बिल्ली बन जाता हूँ
दिल के अंदर बस सन्नाटा है
बस यही ख़याल आता है की
कर्मा इस अ बिच...

एक सीख बस यही इन लफ़्ज़ों की
औरों का मज़ाक बनाना बहुत ही आसान
पर यह ख़याल हमेशा दिल में रखना की
कर्मा इस सच अ बिच....